What time is it... ✰ BATMAN ✰

I just know you love this awesome

Because it is the missing piece in any Batman Themed Super Hero Room
Now... believe it or not but this -DIY- clock is actually really simple to make AND it will cost you less then $10.00
First let's make sure that you have everything you need....
Materials Required:
  • Paper version of your design
  • Plywood or MDF board (thin)
  • Quartz Clock Mechanism (Ebay)
  • Primer or PVA Glue (if using MDF)
  • Black Acrylic Paint
Tools Required:
  • Pencil
  • Hobby Knife
  • Jigsaw
  • Sandpaper
  • Sticky Tape (optional)
Step 1: Choose Your Design
Obviously you can choose any of your favorite Super Hero Logos
But today it is Batman time

Print out a copy of the Batman logo outline (see link), make sure you enlarge it to your desired size... then tape the paper with your logo outline to your wood board... and with your pencil draw the outline of the logo onto the board
Step 2: Cut out the design

Next take your Jigsaw and carefully cut out the design...
you may also have to use a "Coping Saw" for the piece between the ears
because the Jigsaw blade could be a little too big...
After you have cut out the logo take your sandpaper and go over all the edges
just to be sure they are nice and smooth
  Step 3: Prep and Paint

Next make sure that you seal the edges of the MDF board with your primer or PVA Glue... let that primer dry all the way before you apply your base coat of black acrylic paint... Again, let it dry and add one or two more coats of black paint
Step 4: Adding Quartz Mechanism

Next make a small mark where you like the clock hands to be and drill a hole for the hands, once you have drilled the hole it will be very easy to add the clock mechanism...
Don't forget your batteries... and finally
Hang up that super awesome Batman Clock 


Voila - All done 
First seen on Instructables